Joshua Frase Foundation - Resources about neuromuscular disorders

I know that you’re overwhelmed trying to navigate the intricacies of this neuromuscular disorder. We want to help make it just a little bit easier to find the information that you’ll need for the care of your family member.

We’ve broken this section up into additional websites for MTM/CNM, articles to share with your doctor, other resources, and clinicians/physicians to contact.

If you need additional help in understanding these documents and resources, please don’t hesitate to contact me at .


Additionally, a great place to find other families in our community is on Facebook. We suggest that you join the Joshua Frase Foundation facebook group and also the MTM/CNM Family Support* group, both have proved invaluable for answers to questions and support for the daily challenges this disorder can bring. 


 *The MTM/CNM Family Support Group is a closed group, just send a request to join and you will be added. 

"Destiny commands, we must obey." 

-Winston Churchill